Thursday, 29 January 2009

How to consistently conquer the Forex markets

Today, we are dissecting and examining one of my favorite markets … the Forex market. The Forex market is the biggest in the world and is traded on a 24/7 basis.

What makes these markets so exciting is the fact that they have a very strong tendency to trend, that is, once they get started in one direction they tend to continue in that direction for some time.

I learned how to trade Forex in the trading pits of Chicago where I was a member of the IMM, a division of the Chicago Mercantile exchange. The CME has grown dramatically over the years, and I have many fond memories of trading in the old exchange in Chicago. Today, you can trade the stock of the CME (NASDAQ_CME). That’s a good idea for our next video, let us know if you would like to see a video on trading the stock of the CME.

I digress to today’s video.


Today we are exploring the relationship between the Euro and the Dollar (EURUSD). In this short video, which we are making available without cost or registration, you’ll catch a glimpse of a conservative way to trade the Forex markets. This approach will detach you from your computer screen and show you how to enjoy your free time without having to worry about the markets.

I would not recommend this movie if you are risk adverse. Trading in Forex, the futures markets, and in any market for that matter always has an element of risk.


I hope you enjoy this educational Forex trading video and that you’re able to see the value in this approach.

Every success in the markets.


Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub

Friday, 16 January 2009

Trade the market and not the economy.

What do I mean when I say... trade the market and not the economy? It may sound like I'm saying to trade the same thing... but in many cases they're different. The difference is that the market is driven by fear and greed, while the economy is driven by fundamentals. Our "Trade Triangle" technology allows us to analyze the market... leaving the fundamentals and our own emotions at the door. Let's look at some of the major markets and see which direction the trend is headed.

* The equity markets are still in a negative trend.

* Crude oil is still in a negative trend.

* Gold is in an erratic upward trend.

* The dollar is also in an erratic upward trend.

All of these markets are still in entrenched trends and there is no reason to suggest that they will be reversing anytime soon.

I have just finished a short video on crude oil (NYMEX:CL). This market is making moves, which I will tel l you all about using the "Trade Triangle" technology which I helped to create.

We recently received a trading signal in this market which I think is an important one. You will also get a chance to see several of the previous signals that were issued. The video is definitely worth watching for that benefit alone.

The silly season which we talked about in December is rapidly coming to a close. I would expect that the volume and liquidity will return to the markets by the 15th of January. So get ready... cause there is money to be made.

Enjoy the video and by all means, give us a call at 1-8... if you have any questions about the video.

Trade the market and not the economy. CLICK FOR VIDEO

Friday, 2 January 2009

Before you start stock trading: first think if it is worth your time and money.

That was the good news. The bad news is that those companies are selling you the tools and service only. They do not sell you any guarantees of success. It does not matter if you profit or lose money, the trading company will get its fee for each trade anyway.

Since you are considering going into the stock market, most likely you are planning to get a significant return on your investment which should also be better than what you would get buy investing your money into mutual funds (less risky than single stocks) or even no-risk certificate of deposits (CDs) where returns are guaranteed.

Well, how can you get such returns? The answer of course is simple and well known: buy low, sell high. If you do it most of the time you’ll be a successful stock trader. Now the first problem comes: how do you know when to buy? There are probably several ways to do that, we do not discuss this here, let’s assume that you know somehow or think you do know. Lets say you got lucky and the stock after you bought it is going up, just as you planned.

Now another problem comes: when to sell? After the stock is up 20%, what do you do? Sell now, or wait until it is up 50%, 100% or 200%? Do you listen to investor news and do what everybody else does: selling, buying more, or continue holding the stock? If you choose one of the first two options, how much of the stock you should buy or sell? Or if you hold the stock, are you sure it will continue to go up, or you may end up waiting until the stock price is back to the original and than lose it’s value resulting in your losses.

The truth is some people actually do know the answers to those questions most of the time and actually make profit. The question is, are you as good as those people? Most people are losing money guessing and trying to time the market. If you’re new in this game and not planning to spend much time on research, chances are you will lose. You will be competing with professional traders, big players and insiders who profit mostly because many others keep losing. Plus what are the chances that you can predict the market? The chances are very slim.

Some may argue: “I had that stock, I sold it when it was up 20%, but if I did not sell it at that time, now it would be up 300%. How stupid I was when I sold it, if I did not I’d made a lot of money. I have to do this again. It really proves that I can make a lot of money there and it’s easy!” That is right you can make a lot of money, but it is not that easy as it looks. Lets assume you did not sell the stock at the time it was up 20%. Then what makes you think you would wait until it is up 300%? You may have sold it when it was up only 25%. Or it may go down several times below 20% increase, you could have thought it was going down forever and sold it even with a lower than 20% profit.

The bottom line is that it is easy to look at the past and see all the mistakes you’ve made. However it is very difficult to do right things for the future. Unless you know market trends well, understand related industries and stock company financials, most likely you will not be able to make profitable trades. Even professional traders do mistakes and lose money. If you are not one of them or not planning to become one, your best bet would be investing into CDs, mutual funds or your own business.