The reasom many beginner traders fail is because they tend to put the cart before the horse rather than having it the other way round. In this case i am talking about thinking trading profits without education...
Those of you with such preception of trading are the ones who will end up as prey to the snake oil salesmen who peddle all kinds of blackbox trading kits and will have you buy them. Do yourself a favour and stop reading those professionally written sales pages that promise to give you a syatem that can make you $1000 daily on autopilot...ohh and lest i forget this will only cost you $49.97 with a 60 day money back guarantee that you really don't know how to pursue...that sucks big time.
I have walked that road and believe that we don't all need to make the same mistake at all. If you really and truly think financial trading is a fly by night money making venture i encourage you to start preparing your CV and save yourself a lot of heart break. People who sell you systems and methods in a box that does not require you to do anything are just selling you rubbish. Some of you might argue that these systems make money but the true question there is really for how long can such a system stay productive?
Such systems might make you $100 today and loose you $1000 tomorrow, so where is the consistency? A winning trading method must have consistency and money management. And how do you get such method? Sorry to disappoint you but you are going to have to learn it. Trust me its the best gift you can ever give yourself. Keep your $49.97 and dont even look at those money making forex and stock trading kits been sold.
I am able to make money from trading the market from following these steps:
1. Get basic education the market i want to trade.(this can be in form of books and online seminars)
2. As i learn i practice on a virtual account for clearer picture and a feel of the market.
3. I subscribe to financial news from reputable trading sites for example CNBC
4. I read materials from succesful traders (proven successful traders not the ones who show me pictures of yacths and houses on a website)
5. Build a method and stick to it (discipline is important)
You can change your life from trading the market but first you must get the education you really and truly deserve.
For online seminars from top traders and to watch videos where trading tips and skills are discussed check out INO TV
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